Hospice Massge Home Study Course NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE: Please check back


Hospice Massge Home Study Course NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE: Please check back


This 2 CE NCBTMB approved home study course will teach you practical information necessary to properly assess the hospice patient and their needs. You will learn how to effectively communicate with your hospice team to work safely while becoming a healing presence for your patient. Participants will learn about the challenges with hospice massage and what the entire hospice team member does for the hospice patient.  This course covers the proper safety requirements for PPE and sanitization and learn how to safely perform a massage therapy visit.  The participant will have the knowledge to incorporate essential oils safely and what massage techniques would benefit the hospice patient. You will learn how to understand the patient by using empathy to see their situation from their point-of-view.

This is a home study course available by immediate download after purchase.

  • Every download link is unique to the purchase and expires 24 hours after the link is first clicked. Once downloaded, the eBook is yours to keep.

  •  The link to the exam can be found at the conclusion of the eBook and can be taken at your convenience.

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Learning Objectives:

•          Students will learn what is hospice and palliative care is

•          Students will learn who makes up the hospice team

•          Students will learn the difference between Profit vs. Non-profit

•          Students will learn hospice terminology

•          Students will learn the common prescribed medications

•          Students will learn the stages of dying

•          Students will learn the normal aging process

•          Students will learn the common diseases for hospice patients

•          Students will learn proper hand hygiene and donning/doffing

•          Students will learn the benefits of massage therapy

•          Students will learn the dimensions of pain

•          Students will learn the contraindications to massage therapy

•          Students will learn the proper equipment needed

•          Students will learn the about essential oils for the hospice setting

•          Students will learn how to safely perform a patient visit

•          Students will learn how to safely perform massage therapy- techniques and modalities

•          Students will learn proper documentation

•          Students will learn about grief and how to manage grief and self-care

Learning Outcomes:

•          Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge of what hospice and palliative is

•          Students will have a good understanding of the hospice team

•          Students will be able to understand the difference between profit vs. non-profit and the benefits of each

•          Students will understand the knowledge of hospice terminology

•          Students will understand the knowledge of medications and understand their side effects

•          Students will understand the knowledge of the stages of dying

•          Students will understand the knowledge of the normal aging process

•          Students will understand the knowledge of what the common diseases for hospice patients

•          Students will understand the proper hand hygiene and donning/doffing and understand about isolation procedures

•          Students will understand the knowledge of the benefits of massage therapy to hospice patients

•          Students will understand the knowledge of the dimensions of pain

•          Students will understand the knowledge of the contraindications for massage therapy

•          Students will understand the knowledge of what equipment/tools that are needed for a patient visit and to perform massage therapy

•          Students will be able to demonstrate how to safely perform a patient visit

•          Students will understand how to safely perform massage therapy using the proper techniques/modalities and demonstrate how to safely use essential oils

•          Students will understand how to properly document the massage visit

•          Students will understand how to identify grief and how to manage grief and self-care